Friday, January 9, 2009

I'm supposed to be folding laundry...

But I decided to post a quick little blurb about how I've scarred my children for life.  A few weeks ago, my girls were playing so great together.  Grace had her backpack packed on on her back and Glory was toting her own bag on her shoulder like her mom and they were playing "house".  At least their version.  Grace told me that they had to hurry and go because they needed to get to the hotel so they could feed the baby who was very hungry and then they had to go to the restaurant so everyone else could eat but they were very late and everyone really needed to do their part because they were very late and the kids were moving too slow and not obeying right away and they needed to hurry so they could finally get to the new house.  This is what I took away from that conversation.  

1.   My kids have moved WAAAAYYYY too much over their small lifetimes.  (Grace is 5 and moved 6 times, Glory is 3 and moved 5 times, Molly is 3 months and moved 1 time)

2. We are always running late.

3. I talk too much about being late.

4.  Grace understands the need to do her part and obey and still moves slow.

5. We have eaten out too often.

6. I've got some incredibly fun, creative, and inventive kids who love to play together!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

It's about time!

So how do you all like the new look of our blog?  This is courtesy of my sister, Joanne, who is WAY more tech savvy and enjoys making me look good.  The new pic was also courtesy of my sister-in-law, Kaylah, who makes my kids look good!  Where would I be without the help of my wonderfully talented family?  Anyhow, I've had many people give up on me because I have been so negligent in my blogging responsibilities but I'm playing the I'm dealing with a new baby, a 3 year old, a 5 year old, a new house, the holidays...need I go on?  So now I'm back.  Enjoy the posts to come as I catch you all up on our life.