So I am thoroughly convinced that my vengeful parents have prayed for me to experience the payback of my childhood misdeeds.
For those who know me well, I was a tad "unbreakable" when it came to certain behaviors such as sucking my thumb, or staying in bed, or any other behavior that I was told I could not engage in any longer. If the word no was said to me, it really didn't mean much. And for the most part the threat and follow-through of any sort of discipline didn't seem to curb my tendency for behaving how I felt best. It's not that I didn't cry my eyes out or feel the severe consequences of my sin, I just lived in the moment so consequences didn't bother me until they were upon me like a wet blanket. My parents were consistent and loving....or so I thought. As they disciplined me, struggled with how best to punish certain Robinisms, and prayed for wisdom, I know they prayed for payback.
I am now living this payback in the form of my lovely two daughters. Lets just focus on the youngest though, who apparently saw my lifetime video footage before she was born so she could best duplicate my abuse towards my parents. Dear Glory. So sweet and loving and cuddly and....evil. Doesn't she understand that when I put her in her room for "rest" time, it's really so I can nap since I am so hugely pregnant that I exercise by getting up from the sitting position? Apparently not. To her rest time is a game to play with Mommy and Grace. Lets get out of bed, open my door and sneak down to my sister's room to steal her stuffed animals and run laughing hysterically to my room while my sister screams bloody murder and the neighbors knock on the door to ask my mom if everything is okay. Then after getting the appropriate discipline, lets just stay in bed for maybe 30 seconds before sneaking out again and tickle mommy while she sleeps on the couch. Then after more discipline, lets spend the next few minutes opening the door, see mommy standing there waiting for me, laugh, get disciplined, and repeat this process at least 12 times in a five minute time frame. After my mom tries to rig the door where I can't open it, lets spend the rest of my "rest" time screaming in outrage and then figuring out how to get out of my room anyways. FYI, this happens at bedtime too.
So thanks mom and dad, for loving me so much to inflict such malicious prayers towards your challenging child turned adult mother. Any suggestions? :)
What can I say? - Mom :-)
Ha Ha! This made me laugh out loud. Ellice was doing something naughty the other day and, dumb me, I asked her, "Ellice why are you doing that?" She declares to me, "because I wanted to do it, and I'm going to do what I want to do."
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